Monday, July 4, 2011

Changing the world, one girl at a time. By Isferra

Have you ever wondered how life would be without the internet? Or life without the simple things in life that we take for granted nowadays? Like electricity or cars. I crashed my car recently and it feels like I lost a limb, having no transport to move around. It made me realized how ungrateful I was when I had the privilege. How I took for granted life with my own transport. Now, imagine life as we not know it, life with war and suffering as a common sight. Ask yourself, are you taking for granted the life you have now? Have you ever wondered what happens if one day you wake up and war has entered Malaysia? How would you feel if it is unsafe even to walk out your front steps?

I bet no sane person would want to live in a country that is at war. I bet that no one of you could even imagine living at times like the years of World War II. We would all prefer to live our lives now where slow internet connection is one of our major concerns every day. Now the question is how could each and every one of us play a role in maintain this lifestyle that we are so used too? How can we prevent war when basically it is the leaders of our countries that make the decision to go to war? It is us, the citizen of the world that determines how the world goes round.

If each person has hatred in them, the world would revolve around killing and making other suffer when there is no need of those if issues could be solved calmly by discussions and having a level headed attitude in dealing with problems. If everyone has the decency of being good to anyone else, the world would be in such better state then it is now. Ultimately, it is in everyone to make sure of the fate of the world that we live. Being united in matters will always result in having to achieve the common goal.

As my title state, if you want to change the world, it is important to change your own self and your take on life. If everyone believes in justice, kindness and peace; there is no need to argue over small matters which will often make it bigger. People will almost always forget about the cause of arguments when they are already too caught up in it. So let us all not choose that road and have a positive outlook in everything we do. Change ourselves, by that we can make the biggest wonders around us.

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